About me – in English

My name is Frida Löfqvist, I’m from Stockholm, Sweden. I’m 37 years old.


I’m hitchhiking by boat. I like being outdoors, I like sailing, I like beeing afloat :) I like getting to know different kinds of boats. I like meeting people and listening to their stories and thoughts. I travel completely without money. That way I get to talk to people that I never would have met otherwice.

If you have any ideas, tips or suggestions of wherever I should go next, don’t hesitate to let me know!

You can contact me on info@utberedelser.se or +46731813032.

When this trip is over, I would like to work as a deckhand to get miles, to later be able to work as a helmsman or commander of smaller vessels, as I have a nautical education as Fartygsbefäl klass VII.

With this trip I also want to show that our fellow human beings are helpful and trustful, and want to take care of one another. I am totally dependent on that people along the way, give me all I need. And they do. People love to be of help, and we need to be more aware of this, in those times of bad news.

I also want to encourage people to live their dreams and do what is important for them in life.

I’m mostly blogging in Swedish, because I like to express myself with ease and preciseness. For you who don’t speak Swedish I advice you to check it out anyway, often my photos will speak for themselves. :)

Here you can find high definition pictures of me, e.g. for press purpose.