

Kärlek, Rakkaus, Miłość, Liebe, Liefde, Amour, Amor, Amor.

That’s what I’ve met.

For 4,5 months now, I’ve been traveling without money. Completely dependent on people’s will to help a stranger.

And I bring good news. I bring fantastic news.

The picture we get from media, of how other people are dangerous, how people aren’t trustworthy, how they are egoistic and suspicious, it’s not true. There may be bad things going on in the world. But inside people are hearts that wants to help fellow human beings. Who even longs to help others. People’s hearts are full of love.

For 4,5 months, every single day, they’ve been there for me. The strangers.

I have always had a place to stay. People give me their keys and leave me alone in their homes, without knowing me. I’ve never, not even ones, been without food. I’m offered more than I can eat again and again. People have brought me for free all the way from Sweden to the Mediterranean Sea and Madeira. And sometimes they show their love simply by giving me a varm smile from across the street.

It’s overwhelming. And sometimes it overwhelms me. The boost of love and wormth I get from people. Sometimes I just can’t grasp it. When I think of it I feel dissy. And moved. As little as I can hold back my tears at those moments, as little can I keep them from running now, writing about it.

All, all, all the time. People helping me. With everything. So many times my tears have fallen just because I think of how genuinly helpful people are.

I bring good news. People out there, people around us, are full of love.


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